Not always the question I ask myself every morning, or even when people ask my name, but then, sometimes I surprise myself and I'm not quite sure I remember who I am. Or is it simply that I'm so different from who I was six months ago, a year ago and definitely two years ago that sometimes I can loose track, of myself.
I'm posting this photo, from the trip that essentially propelled me to make major changes in my, then, life. In this photo I got to wear a dress with styling from the 1850's that had Velcro up the back so that any one fortunate to see the fashion exhibit in an old church in Amsterdam could potentially fit into. This brings a perpetual question of mine, of recent, now that I've divorced myself from the fashion world I'm able to look at clothing for what it is (and not for what will be the next best seller in a store.) Clothing, cloth, covering makes us whomever we want to be. Sometimes the cover up is for the best, sometimes, depending on what I wear I can feel more like "me" or less like "me." The question of constant contemplation, of days recent.
I've surprised myself.
I'm still muddling through weather it's for good or not. And to think of the clothing I was wearing when I surprised myself. Was I wearing any at all, or was it just a dream? Today I don't feel like myself, It's cold and damp, it's raining, and I have millions of things to do, and so far little has been done, or tons, depending on one's point of view. But since we're talking about me, than I guess, not much as been done. Ah, but the day is but am embryo, so I must not make anymore haste and be off and start the day, no matter who I am, but just to remember that I'll become more me at the end of the day if I'm allowed to wear what I want and feel comfortable in it.